Make disciples and teach them as we go
Getting Started on a New Way of Life- Complete Guide and Parts
Getting Started on a New Way of Life- Complete Guide -This 9 part guide is designed for new believers in Christ to better understand what it means from the Bible's perspective to be a follower of Jesus. The intent is not for a new believer to be given this guide to work through on their own, but rather to be guided through it by the person shepherding them. Also, shepherds should consider using only the sections that best fit the particular person they are shepherding.
Part 1-Introduction Part 2-Assurance Part 3-Baptism Part 4-The Bible Part 5-Prayer Part 6-Church Part 7-Stewardship Part 8-Purpose Part 9-Warfare
Small Group Teaching Aids
Use the following documents to aid in leading your small group.
Questions Jesus Asked Examples of questions that Jesus asked to both believers and unbelievers
Socratic Style Expository Teaching Teaching expositorily helps build Biblical knowledge while also bringing life application. When combined with probing questions, this builds greater ownership of the passage and also allows for the listener to ask clarifying questions.
Expository Teaching Template Use this template to assist in teaching through a passage of scripture to bring meaning and life application.
"Act like Men"- seeing Jesus as the model of a real man
Act Like Men - This 10 part study helps men understand what it means to "Act Like Men" from God's perspective using Jesus as the example. It is designed for fathers and sons, but can be adapted to be used in varying contexts.